Cleantech Fast Pitch
About this Event
The Cleantech Fastpitch, hosted by Caltech’s Resnick Institute, LACI and will feature a two-track fast pitch event: post incubation/money with four LACI teams, and pre-incubation student teams from FLOW, concluding with a public pitch session. Winners of each track will present their pitch at the #GeekNight closing event.
Type of event
Entrepreneurship Contest PitchOrganizer
Special Needs or Accommodations?
If you have questions regarding the events listed on this Community Calendar or if you desire an accommodation related to your disability, please contact the organizer listed on the registration page for the event. The Innovate Pasadena's Connect Week Calendar is provided as a community service to Pasadena citizens and community organizations. Though the calendar is moderated for posting acceptable events, Innovate Pasadena does not endorse nor verify the information included.