code for space
Event has EndedAbout this Event
Learn/exercise pair programming and contribute to open source space projects at this monthly meetup event! All skill levels welcome!
Projects can include, but not limited to:
- NASA/JPL Open Source Rover:
- Project PANOPTES - Citizen-science robotic telescopes that can detect transiting exoplanets:
- Celestial - Real-time 3D visualization of space:
- Stellarium - A realistic, real-time 3D simulation of the night sky:
- KubOS - Open source software stack for satellites:
- More example projects on:
What to Bring
- Your laptop and charger (or you can always share with someone else to pair program with)
- Any books, pen/paper, whiteboards, or whatever you need to study
- Curiosity and excitement to learn, teach, and code with new friends!
6:15 pm: Socialize, intros, announcements
6:30 pm: Crash course on pair programming / contributing to open source (see
6:45 pm: Pick open source space projects to work on, pair off into teams
7:00-9:00 pm: Start coding!
Parking / venue info:
There is plenty of free street parking!
Type of event
Technology Science Astronomy Activities Educational MeetupOrganizer

San Gabriel Valley Tech
San Gabriel Valley Tech People (SGVTech) is an umbrella group encompassing the multifaceted interests of the members of the San Gabriel Valley Linux User's Group (SGVLUG) (, one of the oldest and most active Linux User Groups in the Greater Los Angeles area.
Special Needs or Accommodations?
If you have questions regarding the events listed on this Community Calendar or if you desire an accommodation related to your disability, please contact the organizer listed on the registration page for the event. The Innovate Pasadena's Connect Week Calendar is provided as a community service to Pasadena citizens and community organizations. Though the calendar is moderated for posting acceptable events, Innovate Pasadena does not endorse nor verify the information included.