iRobot Open House
About this Event
Type of event
Technology Students Educational Mixer Networking Open HouseOrganizer

iRobot designs and builds robots that make a difference. iRobot was founded in 1990 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology roboticists with the vision of making practical robots a reality.
In 2015, iRobot generated $617 million in revenue and employed more than 500 of the robot industry's top professionals, including mechanical, electrical and software engineers and related support staff. iRobot stock trades on the NASDAQ stock market under the ticker symbol IRBT.
177 E Colorado Blvd, 4th FLoor
Pasadena, CA 91101
1 hour parking validation provided.
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If you have questions regarding the events listed on this Community Calendar or if you desire an accommodation related to your disability, please contact the organizer listed on the registration page for the event. The Innovate Pasadena's Connect Week Calendar is provided as a community service to Pasadena citizens and community organizations. Though the calendar is moderated for posting acceptable events, Innovate Pasadena does not endorse nor verify the information included.