Pasadena Women in Tech Launch Party
About this Event
As part of Innovate Pasadena's Connect Week, please join Pasadena-area women in technology, education, science, design and innovation for the Launch Party of Pasadena Women in Tech. We will discuss our Mission, network, and enjoy a no-host bar and appetizers. Open to women and men who support innovative women, our party is back at the Women's City Club of Pasadena!
Type of event
Technology MeetupOrganizer

Pasadena Women in Tech Meetup
Pasadena Women in Tech group supports women in technology, education, science, entrepreneurs, and designers.
Women's City Club of Pasadena
160 N Oakland Ave
Pasadena, CA 91101
Parking is directly behind the building at 165 N. Madison (between Walnut and Union), in the 2nd driveway south of Walnut on west side of Madison.
Special Needs or Accommodations?
If you have questions regarding the events listed on this Community Calendar or if you desire an accommodation related to your disability, please contact the organizer listed on the registration page for the event. The Innovate Pasadena's Connect Week Calendar is provided as a community service to Pasadena citizens and community organizations. Though the calendar is moderated for posting acceptable events, Innovate Pasadena does not endorse nor verify the information included.